Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Good day

Today my friend two children volunteered me to take me on an adventure - without their parents. I played in a river. We changed a flat tire. We threw grass in the air. We got partially lost running through the woods, and had even more fun finding our way back.

I didn't think about my 5% problem at all (which is how I currently am thinking of it, both because I so often read that I have less than a 5% chance of conceiving and because I feel like only 5% of my body doesn't work - the bit between my navel and my thighs) and think I will sleep really well tonight. I know those 2 kids will, they were completely worn out by the time we hauled them to their very relaxed looking parents.

1 comment:

Summer said...

Sounds like you all had a fun day! Hoping you'll have more times like this in the days ahead.