Sunday, March 23, 2008


Today I relaxed... with a deadline. I only had one last afternoon alone at my friend's house.  She kindly lent me a key while she was on an exciting vacation with her family.

I drink tea
Knitted another 10 rows on my first sweater/jumper
And listened to some NPR online.

Ah.. I always like a good Teri Gross interview.  My favourite of all times was seeing her live interviewing Ira Glass from This American Life.  But her interview with Peggy Orenstein went well with my tea and knitting today.


Summer said...

Sounds like even though it was only a few hours, you got some nice quiet time to pamper yourself a bit.

Hope you can carry some of those good feelings with you this week.

annacyclopedia said...

That sounds like an amazing afternoon. In fact, I think I'll try to copy it tomorrow afternoon. Maybe I'll even listen to the same interview.

Sorry I haven't been around the past few days - my family Easter extravaganza has kept me super busy. You've posted lots and I won't comment on all of them, but hope you're feeling like less of a lump this week. I can totally relate to that - I hide it very poorly when I'm depressed or deeply emotional, too. Your friend who fed you sounds so wonderful - it's so good to have people who don't need an explanation, isn't it?